Saturday, November 5, 2016

Data structure - Stacks and Queues


Inner class –
private class Node
                Employee item;
                Node next;

Stack Implementation : LinkedList vs Resizing array

LinkedList –
Pros – Every operation takes constant time in the worst case.
Cons – Uses extra time + space to deal with links (pointers).

Resizing Array –
Pros – Less wasted space.
Cons – Every operation takes constant AMORTIZED time.

One of the practical application of stack – To evaluate expression.
Technique – Dijkstra’s 2-stack algorithm.

Steps –
1)      Put values in one stack, operands in the other.
2)      Ignore ( i.e left parenthesis.
3)      For ) i.e. right parenthesis, pop 2 values from the value stack, pop operand from the operand stack, do the operation and put the output back (push) to the value stack.

Example – Evaluate :   (1 + 2) * ((3 – 1) + (4 * 5))

How a make a Queue using 2 stacks ?

1)      Create two stacks s-main and s-temp.
2)      For every enqueue operation, do push on s-main.
3)      For every dequeue operation, do the following –
a.       (n – 1) pop on s-main and (n – 1) push to s-temp.
b.      pop on s-main to the get the OUTPUT.
c.       (n – 1) pop on s-temp and (n – 1) push back to s-main.

Practical applications of Priority queues (implemented using binary heaps)
Requirement 1 – Find the largest M items out of the total of stream of N items. (example – Fraud detection: Isolate $$$ transactions, File maintenance: find top k largest files/ directories.
Requirement 2 – Not enough space to store all N items (otherwise we could have stored them all and sorted in NlogN time).

To solve problems while satisfying Requirement 1 and 2 above, PRIORITY QUEUES are the best.

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